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Who is Enrique Delgadillo and why you should read his books
Enrique Delgadillo is a guide in emotional freedom and personal transformation since 2011. He has developed some of the most practical and effective methods to help people achieve emotional freedom and personal growth. His mission is to raise the abundance mindset in people. Every day, thousands of them benefit from his messages of prosperity, freedom and transcendence by following his work on social media and participating in his courses.
One of his books is Navegar en tiempos de tormentas (Navigating in times of storms), which was published in 2022 by VR Editoras. In this book, he offers tools to overcome any crisis and take losses as impulses to achieve your goals. He invites you to dive into a journey of self-knowledge, acceptance and detachment. You will learn that even if there are dark clouds on the horizon, the key is how you prepare to face them.
Another book by Enrique Delgadillo is Tu cĂdigo de riqueza (Your code of wealth), which is available as a PDF file online. In this book, he explains how to align yourself with your unique value and your purpose, and how to identify the opportunities that are available in a highly connected world. He also teaches you how to overcome limiting beliefs and create a mindset of abundance and prosperity.
If you are interested in learning more about Enrique Delgadillo and his books, you can visit his website or follow him on social media. You can also download his PDF books for free or buy his printed books online.
In this section, we will review some of the main concepts and ideas that Enrique Delgadillo shares in his books. These are some of the topics that he covers:
How to deal with emotions and feelings in a healthy and constructive way.
How to develop self-awareness and self-esteem.
How to create positive habits and routines that support your goals.
How to communicate effectively and assertively with others.
How to manage your time and energy wisely.
How to overcome fear and anxiety.
How to cope with change and uncertainty.
How to attract and manifest what you want in your life.
How to find your passion and purpose.
How to create a vision and a plan for your future.
Enrique Delgadillo uses a simple and engaging language to explain these concepts and provide practical examples and exercises. He also draws from his own personal experience and the stories of his clients and students. He combines psychology, neuroscience, spirituality and philosophy to create a holistic approach to personal development.
One of the most popular books by Enrique Delgadillo is Navegar en tiempos de tormentas, which he wrote during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this book, he addresses the challenges and difficulties that many people faced during this unprecedented crisis. He offers a message of hope and resilience, and shows how to use the crisis as an opportunity to grow and evolve.
He explains that crises are not here to ruin our lives, but to teach us valuable lessons and help us discover our true potential. He says that we can choose how to react to any situation, and that we have the power to transform our reality. He also shares some strategies and techniques to heal from losses, cope with stress, and adapt to change.
Some of the topics that he covers in this book are:
How to navigate the stages of grief and loss.
How to deal with loneliness and isolation.
How to maintain a positive attitude and gratitude.
How to create a support network and community.
How to reinvent yourself and your career.
How to find meaning and purpose in difficult times.
How to create a new vision and plan for your future.
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to overcome any crisis and emerge stronger and wiser. It is full of inspiring stories, insights, and exercises that will help you navigate any storm in your life. 061ffe29dd